Tuesday 19 April 2011

Evaluation - question 4

Planning and Research

• Throughout the planning and production of our trailer, we have been logging our progress on blogger.com. This website was very useful for organizing each step we took in producing our trailer and progressing in overcoming complications we came across such as schedules for filming. All in in all it was the best way to share are work and finished product.

• We gained inspiration from various film trailers on Youtube. The website was helpful as it contains more or less the trailers of all mainstream movies that are released. We researched a range of different trailers on Youtube including the ‘Phone Booth.’

• Before filming we took pictures with a still shot camera of our movie trailer setting The camera we used was the Olympus E-20 SLR. The purpose of the this was to to gain familiarity with the environment we were filming in and come up with ideas of what kind of shots we wanted to film with our shot list. The camera itself was of good use as the pictures we took were able to be of the highest quality.

• We researched other movie synopsises on Wikipedia for plot ideas for our own production. We were able to read synopsises of movies that we saw as big influences on our own production. This gave us a blueprint of how to write up a clear and interesting synopsis for our trailer that would inform audiences of the narrative of our trailer.


• To film our trailer we used a Sony HD Camcorder. This camera was use as despite being a handheld camera, the HD quality allowed the quality of the camera shots and movements to be of the highest standard. We were able to do this even with a minimum amount of lighting.

• Adobe Premier Pro is the program we used to edit our movie trailer

It was used to put the trailer sequence in order and to add the Terminator soundtrack to the trailer which was extracted from a Youtube video. It was also used to add the titling and credits and to add dramatic sound and visual effects.

• To create the movie poster and magazine cover we used the program, Adobe Photoshop

We used Google images to research movie posters and magazine cover for inspiration and to be refixed in photoshop for the purposes of completing our ancillary tasks. We cut and pasted pictures of our actor that we had taken earlier onto the background of the promotional poster for the movie, The Departed. We then copied and pasted a Google image of Liverpool Street to replace the blank white background. We used the function of turning the entire product to monochrome on Photoshop. Finally we added the text and a gunshot aim drawn with the options on Photoshop. We decided red was the best colour for this as it is attention grabbing and it suited the theme of the movie trailer.

Technology used for Evaluation
• Various Youtube clips were used to show the sources of video and audio using print
screenshots were used to illustrate the different websites and programs that were used in the production of our film trailer.

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