Saturday 5 February 2011

Evaluation - Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A film trailer is an advertisement for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future at a cinema.

The set task was to make a teaser trailer; it sets the genre of the film and creates a feeling for the setting, by using genre conventions and suggests the storyline. The trailer introduces some of the main characters and entices the viewer with selective film shots and scenes from the film. The trailer usually builds slowly from the beginning to an exiting end and also includes textual elements, such as the film title, credits, actor names and opening dates to convey key information about the film.

“Countdown,” is an action/mystery thriller that focuses on the theme of danger which is depicted through the genre conventions of the trailer by using technical, symbolic and written codes.

My experience of watching trailers that appear on television and on the internet has benefited me, as there are effective trailers that have influenced me to go to the cinemas and watch the film such as “Inception” and “War of the worlds.”

Furthermore, my experience of editing and filming from the film clip that was produced in my AS has also given better insight into filming and planning for this film trailer. Moreover, the analytical research I had carried out on the genre conventions of 3 chosen film trailers, has given me a better insight on how this trailer should be produced.

During my research, there was a common criterion of the way the film trailers were presented and the way it conveys its genre. As a result, “Countdown,” features the conventions of a trailer by certain techniques that these film trailers contain, which are as follows:

Moving picture rating system
• A motion picture rating system is designated to classify films with regard to suitability for audiences in terms of mature content. “Countdown” starts with a film rating; this is a common feature in all trailers and it states the audience it is appropriate for. In this case, Countdown has been approved for “appropriate audiences,” meaning that the content of features and presentations in the trailer would be appropriate for audiences in theatres, based on the content of the movie they had come to see. Targeting the film trailer to the right type of audience, will help attract more viewers and benefit for the success of the movie release.

Background music
• The choice of music to be used in the trailer combines with the film shots, film scenes and the plot line. Choosing an appropriate theme tune is important to produce an effective response with the viewer and establishes the film genre.
• There is a common use of slow tempo beated music in action film trailers which helps to increase tension and suspense with the slow build up of music, as it combines with scenes from the film.
• During the trailer the music usually heightens as more action scenes are revealed, to elicit the climax point. I find this an effective combination because you have a short amount of time to entice the viewer’s attention and it encloses you into the trailer.
• “Countdown,” uses the theme tune from “The Terminator” and the music carries the same feature. The music plays slowly into the trailer and suspicion gradually increases alongside the protagonists face expression, which insinuates the trailer has reached its climax. The sudden change of atmosphere in the trailer, increases interest to the viewer to see the rest of the film.

Film titles
Film Title Design is and always has been an essential part of any motion picture. It consists of the company name, actor names and film credits. The Main Title Design consists of the film company’s name and/or logo and the presentation of the main characters along with the actor’s names.

It allows recognition of key information about the film in a style of font that suits the type of film trailer it is. The choice of font is believed to “set a mood,” and “capture the audience.” Some film trailers combine the style of music with appearance of the film titles in the trailer.

“Countdown,” uses the font “Orator std.” Orator Std is like a type writing font and adds an investigative style to the trailer to suit the theme of suspicion that prevails.These film titles allow the viewer to read the investigative style font in a simple format and to interpret the style of the trailer themselves.

Towards the end of the trailer, the film title “countdown,” is displayed in a bold font to make the film name more memorable, using black, white and red as theme colours which are common colours used in thriller films to infer danger. The film title also combines background music and a gun shot sound effect as a background sound to infer violence and danger; to support the conventions of an action film and to end the trailer with feelings of suspense and mystery.

Voice over
• An omniscient narrative in a deep concise voice helps to insinuate the plot line for the film. As Benjamin is on his phone, the voice over (antagonist) sounds like he is watching Benjamin like a spy. It appears that the caller who is talking to Benjamin is the villain and the narrator of the trailer at the same time. This adds suspense to the thriller as the antagonist is in control of the action.
• The voice over adds a story telling effect and is an effective technique to establish the plot line without showing the whole film. The use of voice over’s are commonly used in film trailers and the type of voice used in “countdown,” is used to describe the film in a serious tone of voice which changes the genre of the film by establishing a dark mood.

Action films are likely to feature guns for feelings of danger, violence and risk. “Countdown,” uses a red tinted extreme close up shot of Benjamin to show he is being targeted with a gun by the villain and is in extreme danger and needs to escape. A pistol sound effect is also used towards the end of the trailer, to maintain this effect. The inference of guns proceeds to the theme of action in the film.

Black clothes
• Even if the leading character in the film is a villain or not a villain, I have learnt that they are still dressed in black clothing in action film trailers such as “Law abiding citizen” and “Men in Black.” It is a formal, toned down colour. Whether the person is working class, members of the FBI or a secret agent, the symbolic coding of dark clothing can elude mystery and suspense which is why the protagonist in ‘Countdown’ is wearing black clothing as it suits the genre convention of an action/mystery thriller. The second protagonist Mahfuza also wore black to produce the same effect.

The filming shots
• The trailer was located in Liverpool street, therefore, establishing shots of the pedestrians and streets were used to establish the location. This adds awareness to the viewer, that all the action will take place in the city of London.
• Actions shots are a scene of movement either in a film or on TV and are likely to be used in action trailers to preview the action scenes used in the film. Panning shots of the streets, cars and people; over the shoulder shots of Benjamin running, panning shots of Mahfuza running conveys constant action. These filming techniques have helped to depict the idea that constant action is taking place.

• The extreme close up shots of the characters faces depicts fear, using facial expressions and the phone booth symbolises the importance of the phone and communication.

• These shots are effectively edited in “Countdown,” The climax during the trailer and the music, film shots and scenes will gradually escalade into constant action.

• The fade in and out transitions have effectively helped to move slowly into different film shots without a sudden movement of film scenes. It moves slowly into the next scene and allows a variety of film scenes and film titles to be shown in a sequenced form.

As a result, the sequence of these film shots, transitions and the timing of the shots have been used effectively to match the short time of a teaser trailer and to create a thrilling feeling of action so that the film will seem worth watching. The film titles, narration, background music and iconography has been chosen in a combinative way to indicate the generic conventions of an action film trailer.

However, “countdown,” has also challenged the style of an action genre trailer by not focusing on one person in the trailer as a protagonist. There are fade in shots of another character called Mahfuza who is in the day time scenes and is receiving phone calls and is also held under suspicion by the villainous caller on the phone.

Films such as “Inception” and “The Phone booth,” concentrate on the action of one leading character and the action usually takes place during the day. “Countdown” uses two characters, and uses a mixture of daylight and night to convey suspense and mystery at various times of the day. The use of night and day, with two people held under threat by an anonymous phone caller adds variety to the action genre of the film and I believe it adds more suspense and entices the viewer to want to know more about the film because we know very little about Mahfuza, who is also running against time.

“Countdown,” has also challenged a movie trailer by being able to build the same level of suspense and terror without having to spend a large sum of money on the film to produce quality action film shots and scenes. The inferences of guns were implied carefully as we are unable to get hold of a gun for the film trailer. Sound effects and a red tinted image is used instead, to build terror and danger, without having to produce the quality action shots in a real movie trailer with gun shot scenes and would have cost more to film and edit such action scenes.





The leading character Benjamin will be playing the role of the male protagonist in the trailer.
He will be the main character in the trailer.

Images will also be taken of Benjamin in promotion for the magazine and film poster.

Appropriate high resolution images will be selected for the ancillary tasks, for an effective result.


The trailer "Countdown", is located in Liverpool street.There were several delays on being able to film due to the availability of the cameras and poor weather conditions. Unfortunately, it began to snow as we were filming on the 16th of December. This had caused difficulties in filming with still focus and filming the panning shots due to the extreme poor weather conditions.There may have also been a loss of resolution due to the wind and snow.This had effected the quality of the images needed for the poster and magazine cover but it was overcome due to Photoshop editing.

The photograph shot below was ideally meant to be for the magazine poster, however the lense could not capture a high resolution image due to snow and wind.

Moreover, we did not film certain shots that were in the story board such as shots inside Liverpool street station due to legal reasons, as it was not allowed. An external phone booth outside the station was used instead. There were also various running shots involving areas such as a ramp, but the snow had caused it to be too dangerous. Alternately a running shot underneath a building was used.

Earlier shots of Mahfuza were filmed as a second character starring in the trailer. It had been decided that two characters can build more suspense by showing there is more than one person in danger.


The props for the phone call scenes:

- Mobile phone

The Lighting used
- Natural light
- The trailer will be filmed at night for darkness. The darkness can help create more mystery and suspense as action prevails.
- The small fade in shots of Mahfuza on his phone at day time foreshadows the climax of the trailer, where he will be running at the same time as Benjamin during the night.

The trailer does not necessarily contain many props other than the mobile phone. This is because it focuses on the surroundings of the city, the streets, cafe, phone booth and the people to elicit darkness and suspense to the city location.

Clothing theme: Dark Black clothing
Amongst my investigation of action trailers, there is a genre convention of the protagonist wearing black clothing such as a formal black suit for various purposes. They could be part of the F.B.I, coming back from work or are part of a secret gang/group. In the case of the countdown trailer, he is an average guy being seized under threat without expectancy. Therefore he will be wearing normal black clothing as a toned down, dark look so it will suit the theme of the night and darkness and be used as a symbolism of danger.

The voice over of an antagonist will be used, as the protagonist picks up the phone call. This will establish the plot line of the trailer.

Background music
The soundtrack from the police station scene in the film "The Terminator," which is a well known action thriller will be used through out the trailer. The theme track is appropriate as it suits the conventions of a trailer. It begins slow and mellow and then escalades into high tempo music which can parallel with the action shots during the climax of the trailer.

Below is the video clip of how the soudtrack was originally used in the film. It has helped me see the way they have built tension into action, with the construction of film shots, body language and light effects.

This is the instrumental soundtrack that will be used in the action/mystery genre trailer.